Digit span test backward interpretation
Digit span test backward interpretation

  1. Digit span test backward interpretation manual#
  2. Digit span test backward interpretation series#

Validity and Reliability for the Memory for Digit Span This overall level of completion generally held across all three race/ethnicity categories in 2014, the last survey round to include the Digit Span (see Table 6 in the Child Assessments-Introduction section). The overall completion rate for Digit Span in the most recent survey rounds is between 79 and 86 percent, a slight drop from previous rounds. Completion rates for the Memory for Digit Span

Digit span test backward interpretation manual#

The norms are published in the WISC manual (Wechsler 1974: 118-150). Norms are only available for the total score. Whereas the normed scores for the other assessments are based on a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, the Digit Span assessment was normed against a distribution that has a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 3. In prior rounds, it was administered to children ages seven and over who had not previously received the assessment, and to all ten and eleven year olds (see Table 4 in the Child Assessments-Introduction). Starting in 1996 through 2014, this assessment was administered to all children age seven through 11 years. Age Eligibility for the Memory for Digit Span Prior to 2002, where appropriate, this assessment was administered in Spanish. However, entry into the reverse sequence was not contingent on successful entry or completion of the forward sequence. The forward digit sequence was completed prior to beginning the backward digit sequence.

Digit span test backward interpretation series#

Each correct response was worth one point with a maximum of 14 points for each subscore series and hence 28 for the total score. The child was instructed to repeat a series of numbers (with increasing numbers of digits) forward and a different series of digits in reverse order. Administration of the Memory for Digit Span The precise instructions and items used in this assessment can be found in the Memory for Digit Span section of the NLSY79 Child Supplement, available on the Questionnaires page. In both parts, the length of each sequence of numbers increases as the child responds correctly. In Digits Backward, the child listens to a sequence of numbers and repeats them in reverse order. In Digits Forward, the child listens to and repeats a sequence of numbers spoken aloud by the interviewer. Digits Forward primarily taps short-term auditory memory while Digits Backward measures the child's ability to manipulate verbal information while in temporary storage. Each tap distinct but interdependent cognitive functions. There are two parts to the Memory for Digit Span assessment: Digits Forward and Digits Backward. The last survey round to include Memory for Digit Span was 2014. The WISC-R is one of the best normed and most highly respected measures of child intelligence (although it should be noted that the Digit Span component is one of the two parts of the Wechsler scale not used in establishing IQ tables). The Memory for Digit Span assessment, a component of the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children-Revised (WISC-R), is a measure of short-term memory for children aged seven and over (Wechsler 1974). DIGIT SPAN: DIGITS BACKWARD RAW SCOREĭIGITZyyyy. DIGIT SPAN: DIGITS FORWARD RAW SCOREĭIGITByyyy.

digit span test backward interpretation

For additional information on subtests and interpretation, see your WAIS-III Canadian test manual.DIGITFyyyy. Enter the total score for Digit Span Total. Notice that 1 is not an acceptable entry because no span can be comprised of just one digit. The acceptable range of values you can enter in these two fields is:Įnter the total score in the (Digit Span - Total) field. Use the longest span of digits the client accurately recalled on any trial. (Digit Span - Forward) and (Digit Span - Backward) trials.

  • These are the longest span that the client accurately recalled on each trial.įor the Digit Span subtest scores, enter the number of digits, not the raw score, for the.
  • Digit Span-Backward Total Score: 0,1,2……14.
  • Digit Span-Forward Total Score: 0,1,2….16.
  • The WAIS-III Canadian screen has 4 fields for the Digit Span trials:įor the Digit Span Forward and Digit Span Backward total Score, the acceptable values are:

    Digit span test backward interpretation