Sleep mate 980a
Sleep mate 980a

Why? Because the 980A creates a fuller whirring noise. We prefer its electro-mechanical sound over the more modern, digital sound conditioners. Marpac Dohm SleepMate 980A noise machine, showing the power / speed switch. So we bought several others to place around the bed for a stereo white noise effect that worked much better. For us, just one 980A therefore, was insufficient. However, we have extremely sensitive ears. The SleepMate blocks otherwise intruding noise pretty well for moderately quiet environments. The blades inside are fashioned to make noise, not to move air (and dust) around. There’s very little air movement through the unit.

sleep mate 980a

Unlike the fans that became quite encrusted with dust over time, the 980A does not collect much dirt. The Marpac Dohm SleepMate 980A Does Not Collect Much Dirt and Dust This sleep conditioner however, creates all the noise but none of the dust and draft. Those big fans, while creating a great white noise, made lots of drafts and dust. Indeed, we wish we would have known about thes SleepMate years ago. So you can benefit from its calming sound on the road as well as in your bedroom at home. Its modest size also makes the SleepMate quite portable. So it’s much easier to find room for it close to the bed. Much smaller and lighter than the fans I was using before buying the 980A SleepMate. The pad keeps humming noise from the AC motor inside pretty low. This gives some isolation from the surface that you sit it on. The 980A comes with a foam rubber pad affixed to its bottom. The high speed works best for the noisiest slumber environments. It has a low speed and high speed setting built into the three-position power switch. Two Speeds on the Marpac Dohm SleepMate 980A Thus, it can compliment any color scheme.

sleep mate 980a

The unit comes in an ivory, off-white color, white, or black. The Marpac SleepMate 980A sound conditioner indeed helps enhance sleep, and fits into most any room decor. Just plug in the 980A, turn it on, and rotate the ring settings to best screen distracting noises. They adjust for room acoustics, types of noise you want to block, and so on. They tailor the sound to most any sleeping situation.

sleep mate 980a

The latter two settings alter the produced noise. It has an on-off switch, a top disc adjustment that rotates, and a side ring adjustment that also turns. Benefits, Pros, Advantages, and Features of the Marpac Dohm SleepMate 980A Sound Screen Simple to Operate The 980A offers probably the best white noise sound of any of the sound conditioning devices we ever tested. Top view of the Marpac 980A White Noise Machine. Cats jumping from high places and thumping around.They cancel or cover up distracting noises such as… Indeed, we’ve found them highly effective. We saw no harm either to our ears, or to these sound conditioners. We ran them close to every night in bedrooms and guest rooms. We’ve owned several copies of the Marpac Dohm SleepMate 980A Sound Conditioner for roughly half a decade.

Sleep mate 980a